Rehabilitation after Orthopaedic Surgery

Rehabilitation after Orthopaedic Surgery

Post operative rehabilitation maximises the outcome of surgery. After an injury and surgery there will changes to the body’s proprioceptive system (the awareness of where the body is in space) and to muscle strength and function. We use a range of therapies to help your pet recover well after surgery, reduce pain and inflammation and stimulate healing.

Post operative laser therapy can be used to stimulate healing and reduce pain. Rehabilitation and home exercises help to encourage controlled weight bearing and improved limb function. Hydrotherapy is a safe and controlled way to introduce exercise with reduced load through the injured area and is a way to re-educate the dog to walk correctly. We work very closely with K9 Hydrofit in Wickhamford, Evesham for hydrotherapy needs.

With our broad range of therapies at Dogs in Detail we can tailor a program for your pet’s needs and support you through the rehabilitation process.