Unfortunately, our dogs really don’t last as long as we would love them too, 10-15 years is going to be the average time we have with our four legged friends. As they start to reach their twilight years, many different issues can occur. Mostly, from my perspective, arthritis kicks in and they start to slow up a little, gradually declining in their movement patterns and ability to keep up on walks, jump onto the sofa or get in the car easily. Our golden oldies need a different kind of help - having completed my Osteoarthritis Case Manager Certificate Program, I can provide that help as they grow older. I have a geriatric package that involves chiropractic, exercise therapy, laser therapy, ways to help at home, and an understanding of the pain mechanisms that go hand in paw with arthritis. Or we can treat what we find and work on a pay as you go basis.
A few tips for now:
- Rugs not drugs - CAM motto is so true! To avoid slipping and further injury, add more rugs to the laminate / wooden / tiled floors to help with grip and prevent injuries to your dog.
- Raise the water bowl and feed bowl so the oldies can reach it easily.
- Train your dog to use a ramp for the car, garden and any big steps that may have to negotiate. It is easier to do this when they are younger, and get them used to it, rather then when it is imperative that they use it.
- Keep your dogs slim. On overweight dog will suffer terribly with arthritis, so be kind to your dog and keep them slim.